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Hire smarter not harder. We bring you the best advice and guides on talent assessments, skills-based hiring technology, and remote work.

Mindfulness at work benefits and best practices graphic

The case for mindfulness at work: Benefits and best practices

Mindfulness isn’t just a trending buzzword – it’s a meaningful shift in how we approach work, and it’s here to stay.  Companies that embrace mindfulness often see better focus, reduced stress, and improved productivity. Ignore it, and you risk employee burnout, lower engagement, and a blow to your bottom line.   Despite this, many employers struggle to incorporate mindfulness. Some don’t really know what it means or how to practice it. Others brush it off as fluff or face pushback from those who

How to use strategic HR data analysis featured image

How to use strategic HR data analysis to unlock long-term success

According to human capital consulting firm Aon, “harnessing data and analytics to make better workforce decisions” is one of the top five HR trends in 2024. [1]  While many organizations have quickly jumped on this trend, only 22% of HR professionals feel their company uses HR or people analytics effectively. [2]  If you’re one of the 78% of HR professionals who believe their organization is underutilizing these tools, read on. We explore how HR analytics is a powerful tool for delivering detail

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What is counterproductive work behavior (CWB)? + How to fix & prevent it

Ever caught an employee swiping office supplies? Have you noticed a team member regularly slacking off? If so, you’re witnessing counterproductive work behavior (CWB).  CWB can crop up in several ways for various reasons – and it seriously impacts your company's productivity, morale, and more.  But don’t panic – we have your back. In this guide, we break down what CWB is, why it happens, and how to stop it. Plus, we'll show you how to build a team that's less likely to cause trouble in the first

chief people officer job description featured image

Chief people officer job description

A great chief people officer is key to a thriving business. They create a strong, engaged, and committed team and foster a positive work culture that helps attract and retain the best employees. Unfortunately, many employers miss out on these advantages by hiring someone unfit for the gig. Much of this comes down to writing a subpar description for this role – one that focuses too much on the HR management side and neglects key qualities like leadership, resilience, and sound judgment.  But don’

Talent acquisition job description featured image

Talent acquisition job description

Good talent acquisition experts don't just fill immediate recruitment gaps – they help you find and hire the best talent for the future, all while building a strong talent pipeline and shaping your employer brand.  But, writing a good job description for this role is tricky. It's so easy to mistake it for a generic recruiter position, which overlooks the unique skills needed for success in this role and, more often than not, leads to mis-hiring.  That’s where TestGorilla comes in! Below, we’ve c

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AI-generated resumes – the good, the bad, and the ugly

Today, more and more applicants are using AI assistance to write resumes. Is this a good or bad thing, and how should employers feel about it?  There are advantages and disadvantages. For instance, while AI can save candidates tons of time, employers might be frustrated by resumes that all look the same – which makes it harder to spot the best talent.  But AI isn’t going anywhere, and neither are AI-generated resumes. So, in this guide, we explore the pros and cons of AI-generated resumes for jo

marketing assistant job description

Marketing assistant job description template: Everything you need to include

A skilled marketing assistant is a huge asset to any business. Their work is invaluable as it allows senior marketing team members to spend their time on strategic planning. Unfortunately, many employers learn that hiring the right person can be a real headache. This is often the result of having a subpar job description that omits the diverse skill set and variety of attributes needed to excel in the role. But don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. This marketing assistant job description template

Human sustainability isn’t a corporate buzzword featured image

Human sustainability isn’t a corporate buzzword. Here’s why you should care.

The modern workplace is facing serious and unprecedented challenges. Employees are burning out, struggling with economic uncertainty, and worried about losing their jobs to AI. This pressure can quickly spiral into high turnover, underperformance, and a web of other problems that impact your company's long-term success.  Many employers try to tackle these hurdles one at a time – offering a wellness program here, a training course there – but this piecemeal approach falls short and doesn’t solve

Understanding adverse impact featured image

Understanding adverse impact: Examples, best practices, and FAQ

Building a diverse and inclusive workplace starts with fair hiring practices. While policies may be created with the best intentions, they can occasionally lead to unintended bias, known as adverse impact. This is what occurs when certain groups are unintentionally disadvantaged in the hiring process.  By understanding how adverse impact happens, how it differs from intentional discrimination, and how to monitor and adjust for it, you can continuously improve fairness in your hiring process. In

Employee rights and AI featured image

Employee rights and AI: How to use new tech ethically in the workplace

A recent McKinsey survey of 1,363 employees worldwide found that 72% of businesses now use AI. [1]  This is hardly surprising given the competitive advantages the technology offers. However, with strict regulations and close scrutiny, how can you take advantage of AI without infringing on your employees’ rights? In this article, we explore this question and share strategies to help your organization take a considerate, ethical approach to using AI. 

An introduction to percentile scores featured image

An introduction to percentile scores: What are they, and what are the benefits?

HR professionals often face the challenge of hiring for diverse roles, many of which they might not be intimately familiar with. In a week, you might have ongoing processes for a software engineer, a marketing coordinator, and a graphic designer. It can be difficult to know, understand, and apply criteria and standards that are a) role-specific and suited to your organization and b) broad enough to have universal relevance. That’s where TestGorilla assessments step in, helping you evaluate both

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Understanding content validity: Examples and FAQ

Skills assessments are a valuable method for evaluating candidates' skills, traits, and abilities prior to making hiring decisions. However, it's important to ensure that the tools you use are precise, accurate, and valid.  Test validity is a complex concept that encompasses different areas like criterion validity, construct validity, and content validity. Content validity is a type of validity that helps you determine whether your tests adequately cover the relevant knowledge and skills you aim

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